Oh shit, time is running out. I'm not gonna fail this time. It's Ramadhan, muslims. How's your fasting ? As Ramadhan's near, SPM Trial Examination is really really getting close to me. My League of Legends "goals" need to stop for awhile. I'm gonna see you guys on Diamond Division, Insya-allah.  Hahahaha. chill the F out, its just a game. By the way, good luck on SPM Trial upcoming. That's all. I rarely post to this blog. Late...

Hey guys, Lyle’s here. Why Lyle, you asked? Hmm, it is call season changed. I don’t feels like wanna be Ted anymore. Old ted is kinda lousy, lazy-ass, didn’t want to accept people’s opinions. So I did my best to change my personality. There is where Lyle was “born”. SPM is around corner, Mid-year is in this month.  From now on, I’ll focus on SPM then League of Legends.  Lol ? Who am I kidding! I’ll always play League of Legends on May’s Holiday. But, on May’s Holiday. My school’s giving...

Hello Summoners, Ted's here. In the end of March 2013, you'll seeing "TED.LH" playing ADC roles. As you can see, I've been thinking why I never played ADC roles. I'm just play ap carry, supporter, jungler, and solotops. I guess this April will be legendary because Ted will carry you guys. Hahahaha can't wait to show the world how my Ashe rolling in the league.  Nothing to say. So, that's all. Lat...

Hello Summoners, Ted's here. I'm freaking piss right now ! Why the hell I can move on to next division. I want to get my ass out from bronze division. It's damn sad. "You shoot me down, But I won't fall. I'm titanium" Yeah, Ted won't fall. I'll rise in a few day. After recovered from pain i occurred from elo hell. Omaigash, Racheal. I really really want to play with you since last month. Come on, I need you in PvP match. If I had you easy win. Lol ! Here's Sam Tsui singing Titanium. His voice's...

Hello Summoners, Ted's here. Happy holidays. This week, GarenaLoL is giving to all summoners an update. I was wondering why this update took so long to finish. Then I nudge amar to ask him how long this update gonna end and he said " dude, four updates ! you just started one. " Yes after waited for an hour, download progress reached 100% and does nothing. At this moment I felt so unlucky. because a windows pop-out and told me that download error. I was like wtf dude, I waited for an hour. Then...